Working Title for This Quilt: Happy Scraps

Barbie Pink became a trend right when I needed it. Hot pink is always a dopamine hit for me. I will seek out the colour on a down day, fixate on things in this delicious hue until I feel myself smile.

This particular quilt started as a mess on the flower. More than a decade ago my son was playing at my feet as I wrote. He pulled down the coloured scrap bins and had a grand time throwing fabric around. He was happy and I was sewing so it was a win win situation. When it was all over I had a mess of pink, orange, yellow, and a grey scraps all over the floor. Clean up got a lot more fun when I simply started sewing. That’s right, I grabbed two pieces from the floor, sewed them together, and repeat until all the pieces were picked up. A much more enjoyable way of cleaning up! A little while later I had a small quilt top.

Then it sat. And sat.

Last year, as I finally felt healthy after a years long depression, I embraced all the pink in the world. This quilt, then, came to mind. The top I made more than a decade ago was a small, awkward size. I generally don’t worry too much about size, but I wanted this joyous one to be big enough to snuggle with myself. Luckily, I never have a shortage of scraps. I simply sewed pieces together, making slabs to ‘border’ the original top. I assembled them log cabin style around the original in the hopes that it would blend more.

It gave me such joy to finish piecing her, to play with this colourful fabric. There are some treasures in here, some long time and recent favourites playing together. I will never not smile looking at this quilt top.