Morning Make August 2020

At the start of the month I knew I needed something slow and meditative to start my days. Something that wasn’t pushing or pulling, something that could be interrupted, something pretty. I had a couple of ideas for doodles so just ran with that.

Really, that’s all these are: doodles. Playing with markers and sometimes a ruler, I doodled my way through the month. Some are intricate and detailed, many play with scale, and almost all are an experiment. Not once did I plan, sketch, or try an idea first. Like improv quilting for me, it was about making it work once I got started. It’s easy to see that some are more striking than others. You can’t win them all. Then again, it was all about the process, not the product. Just like improv quilting.

Speaking of fabric… As I posted these on IG daily I got quite a bit of feedback about turning them into fabric. Never was that my intention, but I can also see the potential. It could go a few ways and maybe that will be something I can play with if time allows or interest dictates.

I can say that this was one of my favourites of the year. It was so soothing to work on all of these. I could get lost in making the marks, filling the page, seeing the idea through to fill. And it was exactly what my mental health needed at the time.

So, if these were to develop into something like fabric, which ones do you like the best?