Toque Block Swap

Improvisational sewn toque quilt blocks in a snowy spruce tree

Have you heard about the Toque Block Swap?

It’s a fun, playful swap that came out of the Quilters’ Playcation Adventure Sewalong. I made a toque block one week and by the end of our weekly live I had committed to organizing a swap!

Anyone can sign up. You can make 1 block or you can make 20, it’s up to you. Mail your blocks to me, I will swap your blocks for the same number made by other participants and send them back to you. The tutorial to make the block is here, but feel free to individualize things however you like.

Sign up now, deadline for mailing blocks is January 10, so I hopefully receive them all by January 20, 2023. (So you can get through the holiday season without any sewing stress from this, and maybe even relieve some stress by playing.) Then my plan is to get all swapped blocks mailed out by the end of the month.

Sign up here.