Why Not? - Improv Applique with Boundless Fabrics and Big Stitch Quilting

Improv Applique with Boundless Fabrics

Why Not?

22 1/2'' x 22 1/2''

An experiment. A lot of play. Something worth trying.

That's really how I started out on this quilt. I had a bundle of Craftsy's Boundless Fabrics and an idea in my head. That idea quickly became an obsession. Then another obsession with the hand quilting. Ask my family. "Still working on that quilt?" was a common question this past summer.

Boundless Fabrics from Craftsy

Now the quilt, with a technique tutorial, is in the latest issue of Modern Patchwork. The article includes a primer on how I do applique and an exploration of play. And bonus, it includes technique for the hand quilting. 

This won't be the last time I do improv applique or hand quilt. A beast was unleashed with this quilt!

Valdani Threads and Boundless Fabrics

For the quilting I used many variegated threads from Valdani. They are gorgeous hand dyed Perle cotton that I picked up at my local quilt shop. I could have bought all the colours, I settled for all the variegated and the coordinating colours for the wedges. I definitely need to do more hand quilting because that was quite the obsessive investment! Pretty sure that won't be a problem.

To learn more about what I did, check out the Winter 2017 Modern Patchwork. Oh, and check out that binding! A perfect discovery in my stash of an old Anna Maria Horner print, the one that looked like a stack of books, framed the finished piece.