
As Hubby and I were walking down the aisle a little over 10 years ago our entire bridal party shouted out FINALLY! Sheesh, we hadn't been dating that long (6 years). Well, that's how I feel now. Finally, I am done with two major deadlines. Finally, I am outside enjoying time with the girls in the summer heat. Finally, I am able to look at my son with clear eyes, just in time to see all that drool. And finally, I am able to quilt. FINALLY!

I've got a stack of quilts just waiting for their pass through my Pfaff. I would love to say that they will all get done this summer, but I'm more realistic than that. There are gin and tonics to be drunk, peach pies to be made, neighbours to hang with, and those kids who need more attention than the slip and slide can provide.

Up top I'm working on a special quilt, but it is intense to work on for both the emotions and the quilting. In the pile TBQ (to be quilted) are our anniversary quilt, a Cosmic Burst baby quilt, and a quilt top I picked up for a song. I'm not sure why, but I really, really want to get all these quilted before I move on to anything else. Do you ever do that? Have quilt stacked up in one part of the process? Or are you a start to finish kind of person?

Updated: I found 3 more quilt tops to be quilted!