Another Announcement

Because my life isn't crazy enough...

In March the book is coming out.
Our basement is on it's way to becoming a functional and beautiful space, but not without the noise, chaos, mess, and extra people in my house all the time. All. The. Time.
And now I've gone and got myself knocked up.

(That's me in the top left, complete with an airplane/baby in my tummy and my growing boobs. Thanks to The Monster for this family portrait.)

I'm complaining about none of it.

Okay, I might complain about the reno stuff more than I should and I really dislike being pregnant. So, if you see me in person there is a good chance I will whine about something. And me, such a process person, I'm only interested in the end result with both these scenarios.

Because I need a little bit of order in my crazy life...

My new website launched. This is a landing zone for all things about me, including a portfolio and quilt gallery. It is a live site and will get updated as I photograph more quilts and write more articles. My teaching schedule is also on there. Let me know how you like the site.

This blog will be changing over the next little while. Many of you were reading me over at Backseat Gourmet as well. In an effort to streamline the work I do that I don't get paid for, I am consolidating my two blogs. You'll see the new name up there and a few other changes. This space will become something that combines all the things I do as I survey the world from my dining room empire - quilting, crafts, parenting, writing, cooking, and generally being crazy. And I'm going to be sharing it all here. Especially the crazy part!

I am pregnant after all...